Forum KI-Recht 2024
29 August 2024

Forum KI-Recht 2024

Welcome to the Forum KI-Recht. We unite renowned experts from the fields of AI, law, business and politics. At the Forum, you can inform yourself about the latest developments and challenges in the field of AI law, discover innovative solutions, discuss best practices and make valuable contacts. We offer an ideal platform to exchange ideas with our experts as well as a varied conference program.

Be part of the event and take the opportunity to engage with leading experts at our roundtables.

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08.15 – 08.45Eintreffen 
08.45 – 09.00BegrüssungSchweizer Verein für KI-Recht
09.00 – 09.30KeynoteUrs Gasser
09.30 – 09.50Künstliche Intelligenz: Eine grundlegende ÜbersichtNino Weingart
09.50 – 10.20Kaffeepause 
10.20 – 11.00Der AI Act - Herausforderungen und Stolpersteine für Unternehmen bei der UmsetzungKai Zenner
11.00 – 11.30KI in der Bundesverwaltung und öffentliches VertrauenKerstin Johansson Baker
11.30 – 12.15Paneldiskussion - Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Regulierung von KIUrs Gasser
David Rosenthal
Kerstin Johansson Baker
Anna Zeiter
12.15 – 13.15Lunch 
13.15 – 13.45KI-Anwendungen als Herausforderung für das UrheberrechtSandra Marmy-Brändli
13.45 – 14.15Genügen unsere Haftungsgrundlagen für KI?Isabelle Wildhaber
14.15 – 14.45Kaffeepause 
14.45 – 15.45Sektor-spezifische RoundtablesInteraktiver Austausch zwischen Praktikern und Praktikerinnen in Fachgruppen (ca. 10 Personen)
16.00 – 16.30Implementation of Responsible AI in a Global Acting CompanyAnna Zeiter
16.30 – 17.10GenAI in Firmen – welche Use Cases funktionieren wirklich?Adrian Ott
17.10 – 17.3010 Fragen an...Adrienne Fichter
17.30 – 17.45AbschlussSchweizer Verein für KI-Recht
17.45Apéro riche mit DJ 

Adrian Ott

Partner, Chief AI Officer
GenAI in Firmen – welche Use Cases funktionieren wirklich?

Urs Gasser

Prof. Dr. iur., LL.M.
Key Note

Adrienne Fichter

Investigative Tech Reporter und CO-Herausgeberin für
10 Fragen an...

David Rosenthal


Anna Zeiter

Chief Privacy Officer & Vice President for Privacy, Data & AI Responsibility
Implementation of Responsible AI in a Global Acting Company

Sandra Marmy-Brändli

Dr. iur, Partner Schiffbau Attorneys at Law
KI-Anwendungen als Herausforderung für das Urheberrecht

Nino Weingart

Künstliche Intelligenz: Eine grundlegende Übersicht

Isabelle Wildhaber

Prof. Dr. iur., LL.M.
Genügen unsere Haftungsgrundlagen für KI?

Kai Zenner

Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for MEP Axel Voss (European People’s Party Group) in the European Parliament
AI Act - Herausforderungen und Stolpersteine in der praktischen Umsetzung

Kerstin Johansson Baker

Head of CNAI Unit, Swiss Federal Statistical Office
KI in der Bundesverwaltung und öffentliches Vertrauen
InsuranceAI in der VersicherungsbrancheLisa Bechtold
Öffentliche VerwaltungPlay & Learn – In einer Sandbox die Zukunft von KI gestaltenRaphael von Thiessen
Stephanie Volz
BankingHerausforderungen und Risiken beim Einsatz von KI-Anwendungen im FinanzsektorOlivier Heuberger
Michal Cichocki
Öffentliche VerwaltungChancengleichheit dank KI-Einsatz durch die öffentliche Verwaltung? Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung in algorithmischen SystemenLiliane Obrecht
EthikKI-Tools verantwortungsvoll einsetzen – Ethik-Richtlinien im UnternehmenCornelia Diethelm
PharmaNutzung künstlicher Intelligenz in der Pharmaforschung: Chancen und regulatorische AnforderungenRobert Braun
InnovationKI in der Schweiz – Innovationsräume schaffen und stärkenAngela Anthamatten
RetailWenn Algorithmen die Regale füllen: Künstliche Intelligenz im RetailMatthias Glatthaar
ForschungHerausforderungen bei der Vertragsgestaltung von KI-ForschungsprojektenChristian Koch
Raoul Breuleux
TelekomKI und die AutomatisierungDaniel Dobos
EthikResponsible AI in der Medienindustrie: Innovation im Einklang mit rechtlichen und ethischen Anforderungen vorantreiben Paula Cipierre
LegalTechAI & mehr Zugang zum RechtIoannis Martinis

Early Bird tickets until June 30.

Sponsors and Partners


The Swiss Association for AI Law was founded with the vision of establishing an exchange platform for topics relating to artificial intelligence. This gave rise to the Forum KI-Recht.

The aim of the association is

Executive Board

The Swiss Association for AI law was founded in 2023 by the three experts in AI Law: Rehana Harasgama, Anne-Sophie Morand and Noémi Ziegler. Our vision is to bring together stakeholders from politics, business and legal practice, technology and academia in order to shape the interface between AI and law and promote a meaningful discourse on the topic of AI Governance. The annual “Forum KI-Recht” provides the platform to achieve these goals and brings together all the relevant experts.

Rehana Harasgama

Rehana Harasgama is an expert in Swiss and international data, cybersecurity, and data protection law.


She also advises clients on information, media and technology law as well as other regulatory areas, in particular, on the use of artificial intelligence and platform regulation. She joined Bär & Karrer in 2019 and leads Bär & Karrer’s data protection team together with the practice heads. Previously, she worked as interim Data Protection Officer of one of the Big Four. Rehana Harasgama completed her entire studies at the University of St. Gallen and also obtained her doctorate there as part of an SNF project “Remembering and Forgetting in the Digital Age”, which was carried out jointly with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

Rehana Harasgama is also a lecturer for the course “Datenschutz im digitalen Markt” at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). She is also a founding member and advisory board member of the Swiss IT Women Lawyers’ Association.

Anne-Sophie Morand

Anne-Sophie Morand is a lawyer
and works as a Data Governance Counsel at Swisscom.


She is recognised as a legal expert on digital topics such as data protection and artificial intelligence. She lectures on these topics at the University of Lucerne and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, publishes specialist publications and moderates events. Anne-Sophie studied law at the Universities of Lucerne and Neuchâtel. After graduating, she was a research assistant at the University of Lucerne and wrote a dissertation on the protection of personality rights and sports sponsorship, which was awarded the Swiss Sports Law Prize. She then completed an LLM in IT Law at the University of Edinburgh.

She has worked for the Swiss Parliament, the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) and the renowned law firm Walder Wyss, among others.

Noémi Ziegler

Noémi Ziegler is an expert
in Swiss and international data and technology law.


She advises on all issues in this area as well as related interface topics (e.g. financial market, health, insurance and pension fund law). Her practice also focuses on advising on all issues relating to AI-based applications. After graduating in political science (majoring in economics) at the Universities of Zurich and Nanterre (Paris X), she completed her law studies at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). Before joining MME Legal AG as a lawyer, Noémi Ziegler worked for the commercial law firm Walder Wyss and as an in-house DPO for a large insurance group. She is a board member of the Swiss Association for AI Law, is a member of the advisory board of the Swiss IT Lawyers Association and co-head of the data (protection) committee, gives lectures in her specialist field and teaches as a lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU).

Advisory Board


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